Public school assistant principal murdered

Police are hunting down the killers of a public elementary school assistant principal who was murdered in his house in Caloocan City last Thursday.

Edgar Noble, 45, assistant principal of Camarilla Elementary School in Quezon City, Caloocan City, had multiple stab wounds.

Senior Police Officer 1 Jerry Ramos said Noble was found bloodied on the ground floor of his house in Good Harvest Subdivision, Barangay 172 by friend Ryan Alcalde at around 2 a.m.

Alcalde told police that three men, one identified only as Jess, arrived at the victim’s house at around 12:30 p.m. and Noble and his visitors had a drinking bout. Alcalde said he later went upstairs to sleep.

At around 2 a.m., Alcalde said he was awakened by a commotion downstairs. He went down to check and saw Noble already wounded and his three visitors were gone.

Alcalde said Noble told him before he became unconscious that a certain Jess attacked him. Alcalde brought the victim to the Bernardino General Hospital but Noble died along the way. One of Noble’s neighbors, whose name was withheld, told the police that she saw the three suspects fleeing the scene.

NPD director Chief Superintendent Pedro Tango directed Caloocan City police chief Superintendent William Macavinta to hunt down the three.

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