Korean stabbed dead inside car

Police homicide detectives are now investigating the case of a 55-year-old Korean national, who was stabbed to death by a still unidentified man inside a wrecked car in Makati City early yesterday.

Police identified the victim, based on a driver’s license, as one Keun Gi Bae, who sustained multiple stab wounds in different parts of the body.

Senior Inspector Gary Reyes of the Makati City Police-Criminal Investigation Division (CID) said the victim was found inside a white Toyota Cressida with plate number UUG-473.

The Korean national was found in the passenger seat of the car that had rammed a post. A security guard who saw the accident said a man, who also appeared to be a foreign national, alighted from the vehicle and ran toward an unknown direction.

Probers are now trying to identify the victim’s assailant and determine the motive behind the killing.

Police are not ruling out robbery as an angle, but will also look into other possibilities, including business rivalry or professional jealousy.

The victim’s body was brought to the Philippine National Police (PNP) crime laboratory for an autopsy .

Follow-up operatives are now in Laguna conducting an investigation and searching for the person who owns the identification card found inside the vehicle.

Scene Of the Crime Operations (SOCO) officers have taken custody of the car and are trying to determine the registered owner through the Land Transportation Office (LTO).

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