Jewelry shop owner shot dead

Three motorcycle-riding men shot dead a jewelry shop owner and sped off with P1 million in cash and jewelry in Mandaluyong City last Thursday.

Virgilio Avecillas, 59, of Barangay Barangka Itaas, sustained three gunshot wounds in the body. He died while being rushed to the Mandaluyong City Medical Center.

Superintendent Ericson Velasquez, Mandaluyong City police chief and San Juan police chief Superintendent Rodelio Jocson set up checkpoint operations, but this failed to intercept the robbers.

At around 6 p.m., Avecillas, owner of a jewelry shop at the Marketplace in Kalentong, and his son, Verlin, 25, arrived at their house on board a gray Nissan X-Trail (XRH 343).

As the son was opening the main gate, two armed men ordered the elder Avecillas to hand over his bag.

When Avecillas refused to hand over the bag containing cash and jewelry, the two suspects opened fire. Three bullets hit their mark.

One of the suspects then smashed the vehicle’s window and grabbed the bag. The son said the bag contained at least P1 million in cash and jewelry.

The two suspects then boarded a waiting motorcycle. The driver acted as a lookout.

Velasquez said the son was able to describe the two gunmen to a police artist who prepared cartographic sketches.

The Mandaluyong police chief said Avecillas always took home the jewelry he displayed at his store after closing shop everyday.

"Mukhang na-pattern siya," Velasquez said.

Officers of the Scene of the Crime Operations (SOCO) lifted fingerprints and collected other pieces of evidence from Avecillas’ vehicle. Non Alquitran

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