QC government, NWRB ink pact on ground water management

The Quezon City government and the National Water Resources Board forged a pact yesterday for the improvement of groundwater resources management and regulations.

Quezon City Mayor Feliciano Belmonte Jr. and NWRB executive director Ramon Alikpala signed the memorandum of agreement that calls for a joint monitoring and enforcement of laws pertaining to water resources.

Witnessing the signing at City Hall were Vice Mayor Herbert Bautista, Councilors Winston Castelo, Ariel Inton, Jorge Banal Jr. and other members of the City Council.

Under the agreement the NWRB will provide Quezon City with data on water resources and jointly conduct with the city government monitoring and data collection activities relative to ground water and its exploitation, development, conservation and protection.

The city government, for its part, will make it mandatory for all applicants of a well drilling permit to be accredited and register with the NWRB. All applicants will be asked to specify the source of water to be used, whether deep well or surface.

City Hall will also collect data on all deep well users and implement an information campaign to educate residents.

Alikpala, in his brief speech, cited the importance of strict management of water resources to protect potable water resources of the city.

He said indiscriminate use of water pumps could cause the collapse of a building because of the downward movement of the top soil.

"Salt water will also seep into fresh water if massive use of water pumps is not regulated," he said.

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