Summer crime wave: Cops step up patrols

Police have started intensifying security measures to provide ample protection to residents against crime groups that are usually active during summer vacation, when people traditionally spend away from home.

As a precautionary measure, the Manila Police District (MPD) has begun the deployment of additional foot patrols around neighborhoods, complemented by barangay watchmen as force multipliers.

MPD director Chief Superintendent Pedro Bulaong also advised families to make sure their houses are properly locked before leaving them.

"As much as possible, families should designate someone willing to be left to guard the house. If this is not possible, doors and windows should be properly locked," Bulaong said.

As an added measure, plainclothes policemen will be fielded at crowded places such as shopping malls, tourist belt areas, vital installations, seaports and railway stations.

The MPD is also closely monitoring the activities of suspected snatchers, car thieves and other criminal elements.

Bulaong said he tasked police station commanders to coordinate with barangay officials in monitoring strangers snooping around unguarded houses and report them immediately to proper authorities.

As this developed, the University Belt Area police community precinct, headed by Senior Inspector Ariel Caramoan, has reactivated Task Force TuTuBI (Tulong-Tulong Bawat Isa) in its fight against criminals.

Task Force TuTuBI, a brainchild of then UBA commander retired police Col. Larry de los Arcos, has been proven effective in neutralizing crime gangs victimizing mostly students.

The scheme calls for the joint coordination between the police and the community in monitoring crime-prone areas in the University Belt.

This time, however, Caramoan has tapped the assistance of radio groups, Muslim leaders and the Manila Peacemakers group under the Office of the Mayor to give more teeth to the anti-criminality campaign.

Caramoan said the task force’s initial target are criminals victimizing students of University of Sto. Tomas and those in the Sampaloc district.

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