Gov’t adopts new scholarship scheme

The government has adopted a new scholarship program called the "scholarship voucher," which allows pubic school students to be transferred to private learning institutions.

The voucher scheme is described as a two-pronged approach to the current educational problem. By transferring scholars from public schools to private learning institutions, enrollment rate is improved in these institutions and overpopulation in public schools is reduced.

President Arroyo recently distributed 250 high school scholarships to five  public elementary schools during her visit to Pangasinan.

The recipients of the new program include the Dulag Elementary School, Cabayaasan Elementary School, Dupong Centro Elementary School, Pagawas Elementary School and the Matic Matic Elementary School.

Under the program, each school will award scholarships to 50 deserving students for enrollment in a private high school.

The high school voucher program aims to enroll deserving public elementary school graduates who cannot be accommodated by public high schools due to lack of classrooms.

Some P500 million has been allotted by the government for the construction of new classrooms and the delivery of new textbooks and instructional materials. 

Funds have been allotted for more high school scholars in private schools in the 2006 budget.

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