Muntinlupa cops arrest prime suspect in Dy slay

A 22-year-old bartender, tagged as the prime suspect in the killing of a son of a prominent Chinese businessman in Muntinlupa City last Aug. 14, was arrested yesterday after a witness positively identified him from a police lineup.

Suspect Arnulfo Sarraga denied having a hand in the killing of 35-year-old Oliver Ong Dy, but police read him his rights then placed handcuffs on him after a witness positively identified him as the man who chased and stabbed Dy at the Camella 2E Subdivision in Barangay Putatan, Muntinlupa City.

Senior Superintendent Roberto Rongavilla, Muntinlupa City police chief, said they are now finishing the documentation prior to the filing of murder and car theft charges against Sarraga.

"He (Sarraga) vehemently denied involvement in the crime, but the positive identification of the witness did him in," Rongavilla told The Star.

Sarraga’s picture was published last week, describing him as the man being sought by police operatives, who were earlier dispatched by Chief Superintendent Wilfredo Garcia, director of the Southern Police District (SPD), to solve the killing.

"All the leads we have been getting all point to him. As we were not sure of his identity at that time, we sought the help of media to help in solving the crime," Garcia said.

Metro police chief Director Vidal Querol congratulated Garcia and his men for the speedy and professional conduct of the investigation which led to the arrest of Sarraga.

"Congratulations for a job well done. Continue the good work," Querol told Garcia.

Sarraga, who works as a bartender at the Indo’s Strip in Malate, Manila, surfaced at the office of Sen. Alfredo Lim at 10:30 a.m. yesterday to clear his name in Dy’s killing.

"He came forward after seeing his picture in the newspaper as the man being sought in the killing so he decided to show up to clear his name," Rongavilla said.

Rongavilla said he was presiding over a case conference in his office when Garcia called up, informing him that Sarraga was with the senator.

Rongavilla, head of Task Force Dy, together with officials from the District Intelligence and Investigation Division (DIID), Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) and Scene of the Crime Operations (SOCO) officers, rushed to the Senate building in Pasay City and took custody of Sarraga.

Initially, Sarraga cooperated fully with police, even allowing SOCO operatives to take fingerprints and saliva samples .

He also agreed to go with Rongavilla to Muntinlupa City for a confrontation with the SPD’s "star witness."

Rongavilla arranged two sets of six-man lineups and presented them before their witness.

The Muntinlupa City police chief said the witness claimed the suspects was not in the first set of men presented in the first lineup. After seeing the second lineup, the witness pointed to Sarraga, the No. 4 man in the group.

"I immediately confronted No. 4, read him his rights before announcing his arrest for the killing of Dy," Rongavilla said.

During tactical interrogation, Sarraga admitted knowing Dy.

Sarraga claimed he and Dy met four times in the past.

"He claimed Dy offered him a condo unit and a car, but he paid no attention to the gifts," Rongavilla said.

Garcia said Sarraga used to live in Tondo, Manila, but transferred recently to Makati City.

Dy was also living at a condo unit in Makati City with his maid Concepcion Pajarillo for several years.

The victim was stabbed more than 35 times in the body following an argument. The murder weapon, a screwdriver, was found at the crime scene. The suspect took Dy’s car to flee the scene.

Garcia ordered Rongavilla to continue looking for the missing get-away vehicle, a red Chevrolet sedan with license plate XLW 583, which was registered under the name of the victim’s mother.

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