Mandaluyong City Hall to set up attendance monitoring

The city government of Mandaluyong is set to put up a state-of-the-art attendance monitoring system aimed at instilling discipline and professionalism among employees to further boost public service delivery at City Hall and other public facilities.

Mayor Neptali Gonzales II said the system does not intend to intimidate city employees, but instead push them to serve the public more effectively and efficiently as a key to development and sustainability.

"I believe this system would further enhance the local economy since more clients would be attended to if employees come to work on time. This would not only help the city, but also the employees’ personal development in terms of professionalism and discipline. I want to stress that for us in Mandaluyong, ‘Filipino time’ means to be on time!" Gonzales stressed.

The local government approved the procurement of 12 units of the system, which would amount to P2.4 million, and will be placed in strategic locations within the City Hall buildings and other public facilities.

Claire Umali, chief of city Information Technology Division (ITD), explained that under the biometrics-based attendance monitoring system, employees’ attendance would be recorded through a bio-script unit, where fingerprints would be scanned and read.

Umali said the minutes of tardiness and number of absences of employees would be automatically recorded, and if applicable, subject the concerned employee to immediate salary deductions.

"We are giving a two-month phase-in period on this for our employees to get used to the new system," Umali added.

In addition, a new ID system would also go with the monitoring system as part of Gonzales’ thrust of modernizing public services through computerization.

Umali said the system is expected to be in place by September this year.

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