VMMC property up for sale or lease — defense chief

The cash-strapped Department of National Defense (DND) is planning to sell or lease to interested private parties a sprawling government prime lot along North Avenue in Quezon City where the Veterans Memorial Medical Center (VMMC) and a 18-hole golf course are located.

Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz said proceeds from the said transaction, once it pushes through, will be used to bankroll arrears in pension and other benefits of veterans.

He made this announcement late Friday afternoon after welcoming Lt. Gen. Edward Soriano, the highest Fil-American in the US military.

At present, the DND is facing a P30-billion pension shortfall, which Cruz said could be best addressed if the 56-hectare lot at VMMC compound is either leased or sold to interested parties.

If sold or leased, the 18-hole golf course, a favorite playground of military and police officials both active and retired, will be the first to go.

Cruz said that if leased or sold, the property could amount to billions of pesos which can partly finance the lingering financial woes of the DND in footing up bills of delayed pensions and other financial benefits of veterans.

The government can also build a modern hospital, also located inside the said compound, for the veterans, he said.

"I think, what we need there is only about five hectares to build a modern hospital for our veterans," Cruz said.

He said talks are underway with the National Housing Authority (NHA), which also lays claim to the VMCC lot.

The defense chief said he has discussed the proposal with several political leaders, including Senator Rodolfo Biazon, chairman of the Senate committee on defense.

"We a need a law to settle this claim and other issues so we can make use of this idle property," Cruz said, referring to the overlapping claims of the DND and the NHA.

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