JI suspects transferred to Crame

A Manila judge ordered the transfer to Camp Crame of two suspected members of the Jemaah Islamiyah, both facing multiple murder charges for the LRT bombing, over fears they would be tortured while under custody of the military in Fort Bonifacio.

Judge Cielito Grulla of Regional Trial Court Branch 29 issued the order last Tuesday, after lawyers of accused Mamasao Naga, alias Zainal Paks, and Abdul Pat, alias Mohamad Amir, raised concern for the welfare of their clients.

Defense lawyer Abdul Bayan Goleng-balt initially chose the Manila City Jail or Camp Ricardo Papa in Bicutan, Taguig as a possible place for detention.

Goleng-balt claimed that the continued detention of his client at the military jail could result in their "admission" of guilt similar to what happened to Hadji Yunos Moklis alias Saifulla Yunos and the late Fathur Rohman Al-ghozi.

Moklis and Al-ghozi admitted participation to the bombing of the LRT last Dec. 30, 2000. Moklis later denied any knowledge in the attack. He remains detained in Bicutan.

On the other hand, Al-ghozi was killed in an encounter with police and military units several months after he escaped from Camp Crame.

State prosecutor Peter Ong had explained to the court that the defense lawyer’s motion would place the public in possible bigger danger.

"We are talking about terrorists and bombers," said Ong, who noted that it would not be a remote possibility that the suspected terrorists would plan to escape and carry out another attack once placed in the same detention cell.

Grulla then deferred the motion and set a hearing for the defense’s request on Aug. 13.

Ong also ordered that Naga and Pat be immediately sent to Camp Crame.

Aside from Naga, Pat and Moklis, there are at least five persons at large, facing charges of multiple murder and multiple attempted murder for the LRT bombing.

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