Crame cop shoots neighbor dead

A Camp Crame policeman, assigned as a security escort of a high-profile politician, shot dead his neighbor after the latter reportedly attacked and wounded him on Saturday in Caloocan City.

PO2 Ronald Cleope, a member of Police Safety and Protection Office (PSPO) in Camp Crame and reportedly detailed as one of the security men of House Speaker Jose de Venecia, voluntarily surrendered to the Caloocan City police.

Police prober PO2 Joel Montebon said that at around 2 p.m., victim Renato Carpio, 45, of C. Mane street in Barangay 25, engaged the policeman in a heated verbal argument.

The confrontation turned ugly, Montebon said.

Armed with a fan knife, Carpio reportedly attacked Cleope, wounding him in the arm and in the chest.This prompted Cleope to pull his caliber .45 handgun and fired at Carpio hitting him four times in the body. He immediately surrendered to the Caloocan City police. Pete Laude

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