Jealous man kills wife

A drug store employee stabbed his wife and tried to commit suicide by also stabbing himself Saturday in Valenzuela City.

Arlito Yruma, 46, a drug store employee, is now confined at the Valenzuela General Hospital due to self-inflicted stab wounds in the stomach. But his wife, Maria Yruma, 37, a convenient store attendant in Makati City, succumbed to multiple stab wounds in different parts of the body.

The couple’s neighbors told police they overheard the Yrumas in a heated verbal argument inside their house in Sta. Lucia Village, Barangay Punturin at around 11:30 a.m. The woman was reportedly heard calling for help later but when the neighbors arrived at the house, the couple was already lying in a pool of blood, both sustaining multiple stab wounds in the body.

The couple was rushed to the Valenzuela General Hospital but the woman expired along the way. Witnesses told police the couple’s quarrels are often due to the husband’s alleged distrust of his wife.

In a related incident in Navotas, a pedicab driver was mauled to death by the husband of his alleged lover after they were caught by the suspect in a compromising situation inside their residence at around 6 p.m. Friday.

The suspect, identified only as Bobot, reportedly hit the victim’s head with a can of petroleum gas while sleeping with his wife, identified only as Mary Ann, at 494 Roldan street in Barangay Tangos.

Huliganga died of head injuries before reaching the Tondo Medical Center. The suspect escaped after the incident and remains at large. — Pete Laude

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