Manila issues health advisory

The Manila health department headed by Dr. Florante Baltazar, on orders of Mayor Lito Atienza, has started conducting a citywide education and information campaign up to the barangay level regarding preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of various ailments that come with the summer season.

Among the components of the information campaign is a public health advisory from the Manila Health Department that would be disseminated in all barangay health centers under its supervision.

Order the public health advisory, people are advised to apply rubbing alcohol on their hands or wash their hands frequently with soap and water to prevent contracting sore eyes. The advisory also reminds people not to rub their eyes with their hands.

As for preventing heat stroke, the health advisory advised people to prevent prolonged exposure to strong direct sunlight, especially during noontime or during early afternoon when the sun is at its hottest and humidity levels are highest.

Those who engage in outdoor activities during the day are also advised to apply sun block lotion, wear caps or hats and thin protective clothing with long sleeves to prevent sunburn and wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.

"As much as possible, people should stay indoor or go outdoors only in the morning or late afternoon," the advisory also stated.

To prevent contracting diarrhea, people are being advised to observe basic hygiene such as washing of hands with soap and water before eating or after responding to the call of nature, and covering food to prevent contamination.

Those afflicted with sore eyes or diarrhea or suffering from heat stroke are advised to seek treatment at the nearest health center or hospital.

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