Video karera machines torched

In a show of earnest desire to eliminate all forms of illegal gambling in the area, the Northern Police District Office (NPDO) yesterday torched some 39 video karera machines, seized in various raids in the district, in front of the office building yesterday in Caloocan City.

The burning rites, held as Typhoon Harurot still lashed the country, symbolically showed NPDO’s "all-weather" vigilance and crusade against vices.

"We will honor no name nor political power in this crusade against illegal gambling. We will respect no nature’s wrath like Harurot, no typhoon will stand in our way. The police, we assure you, will not get tired in protecting our people from one or society’s menaces," Franco said in a brief speech.

The 39 gambling machines represented those confiscated in raids conducted by the police in Caloocan (3), Valenzuela (6) and by the NPDO-Special Project Section (3).Jerry Botial, Pete Laude

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