Sex Bomb girls in car mishap

Three members of the dance group Sex Bomb cheated death when a speeding vehicle rammed their car after midnight yesterday in New Manila, Quezon City.

Rochelle Pangilinan, 21, of Sampaguita street, Pilar Village, Las Piñas City, Aira Bermudez, 19, of 26 Rajabago, Tondo, Manila, and Mia Pangyarihan, 19, of Sta. Mesa Heights, Manila, suffered minor body injuries from the mishap.

Police said Michael Ngo, of 72 Kamuning Road, Quezon City, who was driving a Mitsubishi Lancer (UJT-537) accidentally hit the girls’ vehicle — a white Ford Lynx (XAE-441) at about 1 a.m.

The incident occurred along Doña Hemady street in New Manila. Pangilinan, who was behind the wheel, was about to cross an intersection when she saw Ngo’s car approaching.

Pangilinan told probers that she was not able to steer the car away from the other vehicle for fear she would hit an electric post nearby.

Ngo crashed into the driver’s side of the girls’ car. Ngo denied he was the one at fault.

Investigators said the girls have no plans of filing charges. – Matthew Estabillo

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