Woman, lesbian lover maul man

Heartaches and physical pains hounded this man who was mauled by his paramour and her lesbian lover after he caught them making love inside a house in Sampaloc, Manila last week.

Rodolfo Medroso, 58, a Pasay City Hall building inspector, of 2414 Tramo street, Pasay City, reported the incident to the police only yesterday, claiming he was confined to bed for almost a week as a result of the beatings he got.

The still limping Medroso filed charges of serious physical injuries at the General Assignment Section of the Western Police District against his paramour identified as Laarni Calayacan, 33, and Belen Ocampo, 29, Laarni’s alleged lesbian-lover.

Medroso told investigator SPO2 Mario Salonga that at around 11:30 a.m. last Tuesday he thought of surprising his paramour by visiting her unannounced at their love nest at 1593 Basilio St., Sampaloc, Manila.

However, to his disgust, he caught his lover and her lesbian partner making love inside a room. Medroso said he was so enraged and in a fit of anger threw his cellular phone at the couple.

He said the surprised couple then lunged at him and started to beat him. He said that despite his injury he was able to free himself and go directly to the Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center.

Medroso’s medical certificate showed he sustained contusions and hematoma in various parts of his body which required him to undergo a nine-day rest. Nestor Etolle

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