Choir boys to shed light on Sta. Ana belfry corpse

Manila police will summon members of the choir of Our Lady of the Abandoned Church (OLAC) in Sta. Ana to help shed light on the death of a man whose decomposing body was found inside the church belfry last Wednesday.

SPO2 Steve Casimiro said he would coordinate with the parish authorities to get the names of choir members, who have access to the church belfry from Monday to Saturday.

"Summoning members of the choir doesn’t mean they are linked to the crime. All we want is to know how a man was able to get up on the belfry of the church," Casimiro said.

Investigators have yet to find out why someone would commit suicide in the belfry. They are not discounting the possibility of foul play.

This developed as the brother of the victim claimed the body from a funeral parlor and identified him as Antonio Borja, 26. He was a resident of Adora street, Makati City.

The decomposing body of Borja was found hanging inside the belfry of the church along Panaderos street in Sta. Ana, Manila last Wednesday. Police failed to immediately identify the victim, whose face had been eaten by bats that live in the belfry. Cecille Suerte Felipe

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