14 doctors get boot from Lung Center

The 14 doctors who blew the whistle on the alleged irregularities at the Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP) have been thrown out of their clinics at the said hospital.

Dr. Sullian Sy-Naval said that Dr. Fernando Melendrez, LCP executive director, has refused to renew the lease contracts of all 14 doctors who filed administrative and criminal complaints against him resulting in a 90-day preventive suspension last year.

Sy-Naval called on President Arroyo to look into the alleged harassment.

Other complainants against Melendrez were identified as Drs. Theresa Alcantara, Jose Pepito Amores, Vincent Balanag, Guillermo Barroa, Rey Desales, Norberto Francisco, David Geollegue, Benilda Galvez, Luisito Idolor, Victoria Idolor, Buenaventura Medina, Newell Nacpil and Raoul Villarete.

Amores, regarded as the lead whistleblower against Melendrez, said Malacañang should immediately act on the recommendations of the Presidential Anti-Graft Commission (PAGC).

Amores explained that the PAGC recommendation was made following an investigation into all the charges of graft, plunder and dishonesty they had raised with the Office of the Ombudsman and the Department of Health.

Amores said the refusal to renew the lease contract for their clinics should be stopped by Malacañang since it discourages people from exposing anomalies in government agencies.

The whistleblowers said Malacañang’s inaction on their complaint against Melendrez was making them lose faith in the administration’s campaign against graft and corruption in the government.

Sy-Naval pointed out that they have been waiting for more than four months for a final resolution on the cases they filed against Melendrez but their wait continues. – Rainier Allan Ronda

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