MMDA chief asks environment group to be open-minded

Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman Bayani Fernando appealed to environmentalists to be more open-minded in finding solutions to the garbage problem.

In a radio interview the other day, Fernando engaged in debate with Concerned Citizens Against Pollution founder Ester de Tagle, one of the more vocal proponents of waste segregation at the source. De Tagle criticized Fernando for his persistence in promoting the use of a sanitary landfill as the main solution. She stressed that RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act should be observed, particularly the provision requiring the establishment of materials recovery facilities (MRF).

Fernando urged environmentalists to be more open to other ideas just like what he is doing at present as MMDA chairman.

"I’m open to all types of ideas and suggestions. If someone tells me that I have to consume garbage in order to reduce the volume, I would consider this too," Fernando said.

Fernando argued that the MMDA’s proposed project in Quezon of which Metro Manila’s garbage would be transported on board trains, is still the best long-term solution under the present circumstances. He said that only a large-scale operation such as that of the proposed project could ensure that environmental practices including segregation would succeed.

Fernando said that the proposed project in Quezon would be located on a 2,000-hectare site where industries would be integrated along with an MRF. He cited the three MRFs of the MMDA in Manggahan, Pasig, Las Piñas and Rodriguez, Rizal which were all closed because of the high operational costs. All three MRFs were producing compost that could not be sold because of the lack of demand in Metro Manila.

Fernando also defended his idea of flushing biodegradable garbage down to the toilets in order to reduce the volume.

De Tagle previously called the idea of Fernando crazy and that he could be charged in court if he pushes through with the proposition.

Fernando answered in jest that the environmentalists do not stand a chance in court as he would be absolved by reasons of insanity in line with their view of him.

He said that recycling could not yet be successful in the country because Filipinos never throw away anything that they feel has value. It is for this reason that the MMDA is still pushing for the use of sanitary landfills specifically the one in Quezon.

Some sectors of Quezon province have initially expressed their opposition to the proposal through rallies and published statements. However, Fernando noted that the opinions stated by a "noisy few" do not necessarily reflect the sentiments of the entire province.

Nevertheless, he admitted that if the MMDA eventually fails to secure the approval of the province, then they would be forced to look for "another Quezon."

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