Bacani to Fernando: Treat poor humanely

After influential leader of the Catholic Church, Manila Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin, has failed to convince Metro Manila Development Authority Chairman Bayani Fernando to be "soft and humane" on the urban poor, Manila Auxiliary Bishop Teodoro Bacani is now trying to convince the government official.

Bacani is also the spiritual leader of the El Shaddai, considered as the biggest and most powerful charismatic group in the Philippines. He is also a member of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), the biggest organization of Philippine bishops. Bacani aired his appeal to Fernando during a press conference led by members of the Koalisyon Kontra Demolisyon (KKD), Metro Manila Vendors’ Alliance (MVA) and the Urban Poor Associates (UPA), held at the CBCP media office in Intramuros, Manila.

During the press conference, Jun Meteoro, chairman of the KKD which has representation from various neighborhood associations from Manila’s slum areas, also appealed to Fernando to recall his no-negotiation policy toward the poor. He pointed out that there should be no demolition without negotiation.

Meteoro said that if the government wants to prevent untoward incidents particularly violent clashes that usually erupt during demolition, its policy should be "no demolition without negotiations and no demolition without relocation." Sandy Araneta

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