PNP official backs recall of promotions for Palace defenders

A top police official defended yesterday the move of the Philippine National Police (PNP) leadership to recall the promotions of some 300 policemen who defended Malacañang from an attack by pro-Estrada supporters on May 1 last year.

Deputy Director General Clyde Fernandez, deputy chief for administration, said PNP chief Director General Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. is morally obliged to order the recall of the promotions.

"The promotions were recalled but they will be given back after we find out who actually passed the meritorious promotions board," Fernandez said.

He issued the statement after police personnel assigned with the Northern Police District and Western Police District questioned why their salaries had been reverted to amounts that they had received in their previous ranks.

Fernandez assured the affected personnel that they will be accorded due process in the investigation. The police official added that the deserving personnel have no reason to worry.

"All those who have passed the due process, meaning all those who really were deliberated upon by the Senior Officers Promotions Board, will be given their promotion," he told reporters.

On orders of the PNP chief, Fernandez began last month a probe into anomalous promotions and special orders dated May 31, following reports that some names of undeserving policemen were allegedly "inserted" by the office of the PNP Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM).

DPRM chief Director Virtus Gil claimed there was no irregularity, saying the personnel deserved to be promoted since other generals were also promoted based on their actions during the May 1 riots.

Meanwhile, some of the "demoted" officers decried the decision of the PNP leadership, calling the move "unfair."

"Our promotions were legitimate because we were there at Malacañang. This recall could lead to demoralization at the WPD," said one affected officer, who refused to be identified.

Another officer, who had been promoted to the rank of major, lamented that he would not be getting the salary increase that he deserved.

Under the PNP salary structure, superintendents (lieutenant colonels) receive P18,749 a month, chief inspectors (majors) receive P18,028 and senior inspectors (captains) receive P17,334. – With Mike Frialde

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