Atienza tells new WPD chief: Enforce the law

"Let’s get back to basics. Maintain high police visibility and diligently enforce laws and ordinances. This is the key to maintaining a stable peace and order condition in Manila."

This was the directive of Manila Mayo Lito Atienza to Police Senior Superintendent Pedro Bulaong, newly appointed District Director of the Western Police District command during a courtesy call at the Manila City Hall yesterday.

Atienza told Bulaong that simple enforcement of ordinances and other laws, such as those prohibiting urinating in public and vagrancy, lead to the prevention of bigger crimes.

Atienza noted that during the heyday of the Manila police, cops could be seen regularly patrolling their respective beats and were diligent in enforcing even the simplest of laws.

He also welcomed Bulaong’s appointment as the new chief of the Manila’s Finest and expressed confidence he would be effective in his new job.

"We are very happy with the appointment of Senior Superintendent Bulaong and we look forward to closely working with him in the conduct of an effective peace and order campaign. He knows Manila well, having risen from the ranks in the city’s police force," Atienza said.

Bulaong submitted to Atienza a program of action for the city’s police force, which includes the regular conduct of police foot and mobile patrols as well as the revival of the police district’s detective force.

He reported to Atienza that aside from the foot patrols, a minimum of 50 patrol cars would be deployed on a 24 hour basis and assist in restoring discipline and order in the city’s streets, even as he vowed to punish any policeman assigned in the city who would commit illegal acts or abuses.

Bulaong also told Atienza that the soon-to-be-revived detective force would conduct profiling of syndicated criminal groups believed to be operating in Manila. Cecille Suerte Felipe

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