Boy shot for stealing car mirror

A lady security guard shot and wounded a 16-year-old boy allegedly stealing the side mirror of a sports utility vehicle in Sta. Ana, Manila early yesterday morning.

Investigation showed that security guard Ramonette Punkalan, 23, of MILGAS Security Agency, was doing her rounds in Harmonica Place along Pedro Gil street when she chanced upon the suspect. The STAR is withholding the identity of the young suspect.

Police said Punkalan spotted him and another suspect identified as Raymond Froilan, removing the side mirror of a van parked near the condominium at about 4:15 a.m.

According to police, Punkalan approached the suspects and was about to accost them when the 16-year-old suspect allegedly drew a fan knife and tried to stab the guard. Police said this prompted Punkalan to draw her .38 caliber revolver and fire once, hitting the suspect in the right hand.

Other guards soon responded and collared the wounded suspect and his cohort. The wounded suspect was rushed to the Ospital ng Maynila. Charges of theft are now being readied by police against the suspects.

Meanwhile, a security guard was shot dead by armed men who robbed a teller of a bank in Makati City yesterday.

PO2 Ricky Tan of the Makati City identified the victim as Michael Cardeno, 29, single, a security guard assigned at the Equitable PCI Bank branch near the Makati Cinema Square, Pasong Tamo, Makati City.

Based on the investigation of Tan, Cardeno was escorting one of the bank’s tellers from the Plaza Fair department store at around 11:40 a.m. when the incident took place.

As soon as they stepped out of the mall, six armed men clad in white t-shirts and jeans jumped in front of them and announced the heist.

Cardeno tried to go for his service firearm but was immediately shot by one of the armed men.

According to Jing Aguilar, a security guard of the mall, the six suspects took the duffel bag containing the cash taken from the mall and escaped on board motorcycles towards the South Superhighway.

Aguilar, who had a gun pointed to his forehead, said that the suspects were waiting for Cardeno and the teller at the exit of the mall.

Cardeno died on the spot from a gunshot wound to his lower abdomen. It was not revealed how much exactly was inside the duffel bag. — Mike Frialde and Marvin Sy

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