Ex-Malabon councilor faces arrest in fraud case

A former Malabon City woman councilor faces arrest after a Malabon City regional trial court judge issued yesterday a warrant for her arrest for falsification of public documents involving the purchase of medical equipment seven years ago.

Judge Benjamin Antonio of Regional Trial Court’s Branch 170 ordered the immediate arrest of ex-Councilor Consuelo Gomez Torres Pili, of 49 Nirvana Street, Barangay Tugatog.

Pili is allegedly still connected with the Mayor’s Office but the nature of her work could not be immediately known.

Antonio issued the warrant for Pili for allegedly failing to appear in the pre-trial last April 2. He also directed city police chief Superintendent Pedro Ramos to effect Pili’s arrest.

The case against Pili stemmed from the complaint filed by opposition Councilor Edilberto Torres in 1995 of falsification of public documents punishable under Article 171, paragraph 2 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC).

Court records showed that sometime on Sept. 7 and 8, 1995, Pili, being then a member of the Sangguniang Bayan allegedly took advantage of her position when she "falsified and made use of Invoice No. 0644 and Official Receipt No. 0554 in the amounts of P20,570 and 20,000, respectively."

In her claims, the receipts, representing a single purchase in payment purportedly of medical items, were issued by Marquez Enterprises, a local firm engaged in electrical/electronic machinery appliances.

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