Malonzo orders seizure of 3 trash dump trucks

Caloocan Mayor Reynaldo Malonzo last Friday ordered the confiscation of three dump trucks used to dump garbage in a closed former temporary dumpsite early Thursday morning in Barangay Bagombong, Caloocan City.

The truck drivers, who were arrested but later gave City Hall officials the slip, were identified through their driver’s licenses as Deo Andaya, Alfredo Peralta and Rodrigo Sagao.

The trucks (NTL 277, TEW 395 and UBA 295) are currently impounded at an undisclosed place until their owners show up and face charges for illegal garbage dumping, the mayor said in a statement.

Malonzo said the garbage haulers allegedly came from nearby Navotas. He said he does not know whether Navotas Mayor Toby Tiangco had a hand in this, adding that in all likelihood, the illegal dumping was an independent decision of the haulers themselves.

Malonzo created Task Force 9003 headed by lawyer Elmer Susano to take care of the problem, directing them to conduct a 24-hour monitoring and to arrest anyone disposing garbage in the closed dumpsite.

The mayor had earlier allowed the use of a vacant private property in Bagombong as a temporary dumpsite but ordered it closed after residents complained of foul stench and the health hazards it posed. Despite the closure order, however, some garbage haulers still insisted in using the former waste disposal area.

Malonzo further encouraged local barangay officials and the residents themselves to cooperate with the city government by giving information that will lead to the arrest of those found violating the order. Jerry Botial

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