Retired police major killed in Valenzuela rob

A retired police major was killed by a hail of bullets after he responded to a call for help when nine armed men robbed a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) store in Valenzuela the other night.

Acting city police chief Senior Superintendent Oscar Paginado identified the victim as retired Chief Inspector Feliciano Juan, 57, formerly with the Central Police District, residing on La Mesa Street in Barangay Ugong.

The victim is said to be a cousin of retired Valenzuela police investigation chief Senior Inspector Tomas Juan.

Inspector Salvador de la Cruz said Juan sustained seven bullets wounds in the chest and body and died before reaching the Lanting General Hospital, along Tandang Sora Avenue near the Q-Caloocan boundary.

De la Cruz said the heist took place at around 6 p.m. when seven men barged into the ALA Gas Dealer store along La Mesa Street as two others served as lookouts.

Police said the robbers hog-tied store owner Alejandro Lazaro, his wife and their truck driver. A maid of the couple who requested anonymity gave the robbers the slip when she sensed trouble as the suspects forcibly entered the store.

The maid ran for help, and ran into the retired police officer who lived just a few houses away from the gas store. Juan got his caliber .45 pistol and went to the scene of the robbery.

Unaware that there were two lookouts, Juan entered the compound and was met by a hail of bullets.

The suspects carted off some P50,000 in cash, some jewelry and other unspecified valuables from the victims.

A witness said he overheard one of the suspects speaking in a heavy Visayan accent complaining of a puny loot.

Recovered from the crime scene were seven slugs and empty shells from caliber .32 and caliber .38 handguns.

Yesterday, police rounded up some five male persons based on the cartographic sketches of two of the robbers but the victims failed to positively identify them. — Jerry Botial

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