Arrested by the police and now detained at the city police detention center were Amado Cada Jr., 45, and his son Juanito, 24, both of 281 M. H. del Pilar Street, 5th Avenue, Grace Park, Caloocan City.
Police records showed that prior to the incident, the suspects went on a drug "trip" inside their own house at around 7 o’clock Wednesday night. A thoroughly shabu-intoxicated Juanito later crept up to his 20-year-old sister, who was by then sleeping in her bedroom and started mashing her body.
A 12-year-old sister, however, saw the molestation but, driven by fear, failed to do anything to help her sister.
Shortly thereafter, neighbors shrieked in panic when they saw dark smoke coming out of the Cadas house in the congested neighborhood.
It was later found out that the drug-demented father had set his own house on fire.
The quick reaction of neighbors immediately put out the fire before it could turn into a deadly conflagration. – Jerry Botial