UP confers doctorate on Rigor today

The University of the Philippines will confer a Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, on Dr. Benjamin Morales Rigor, Sr. today at the PICC Plenary Hall. The conferment coincides with the commencement exercises in UP Manila.

Dr. Rigor made his mark in the field of anesthesiology here and abroad. He authored articles, monographs and books in anesthesiology and was editor of a number of scientific publications. He spent more than three decades collaborating with world acclaimed surgeons and academicians.

A recognized leader and scholar, Dr. Rigor paved the way for the establishment of the School of Respiratory Therapy at the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry and the School of Anesthesia at the University of Texas Medical Society.

He earned the title Chairman Emeritus from the University of Louisville in recognition of his many years of service as department chair.

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