Pasay nightclub raided

A Pasay City nightclub, less than a hundred meters away from police headquarters and city hall, was proven to be featuring bold shows by a Channel 7 investigative show’s cameras.

The damning footage, which showed "models" dancing nude on stage at the Miss Universal KTV Disco Theater along F.B. Harrison, was shown in a segment of Channel 7’s Imbestigador Wednesday night.

Despite the evidence, city officials said yesterday they will still study whether to close down the establishment or not.

City Administrator Tina Bernabe-Carbajal said she will discuss with Mayor Wenceslao "Peewee" Trinidad what action to take against the nightclub.

tried to get the comment of Pasay police chief, Superintendent Alex Gutierrez, but his men said he was scheduled to be in Camp Crame the whole day for a conference.

It was learned that the show’s cameramen joined a raid conducted by the Southern Police District-District Investigation and Intelligence Division on the club Tuesday midnight.

Four guest relation officers were arrested after they failed to show their working permits while two were collared for dancing in the nude.

The raiders arrested neither the nightclub’s owner nor even one of its managers and supervisors.

Sources said that several other nightclubs in the city feature bold shows and serve as mere fronts for prostitution but remain in business unchecked by police and local officials. Rainier Allan Ronda

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