Drunken son stabs own father dead

A father’s well-intentioned sermon to his drunkard son cost him his life in Pasay City yesterday morning.

Avondio Helarido, 49, carpenter, and resident of 198 Area G. Chest Clinic Compound, Maricaban, Pasay City, succumbed to multiple stab wounds while being treated at the Pasay City General Hospital.

Police are now hunting down the victim’s 27-year-old son Ronaldo, jobless, who escaped right after stabbing his own father in an alcohol-muddled rampage inside their house at around 5 a.m.

Investigation showed that victim was reprimanding his son for coming home late again and reeling drunk when Ronaldo shouted back invectives at him.

In the ensuing verbal tussle, Ronaldo reportedly pulled out a fan knife and repeatedly stabbed Avondio. – Rainier Allan Ronda

The victim’s wife Teresita and other relatives took the victim to the hospital while Ronaldo darted out of the house to escape. – Rainier Allan Ronda

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