Robbery not behind Velayo murder?

Police investigators are discounting robbery as the motive behind the killing of a nephew of millionaire jeweler "Ding" Velayo (not a son as reported yesterday) in the victim’s house in a subdivision in Las Piñas City.

Police investigator Ben Javier said the killer of Rodolfo Velayo Jr., 48, may have wanted the killing to appear as a case of robbery gone away to cover his tracks.

Javier said only the television set was carted away by Velayo’s assailant. Other valuables which should have been taken by a real robber, such as an expensive scooter parked in the garage, was not taken.

Javier refused to divulge more information on the progress of their investigation as it might jeopardize their probe but said they uncovered yesterday what may be a lead to Velayo’s killer.

Javier said they will pursue the lead today.

Velayo, living alone in his opulent bungalow, separated from his wife who has taken custody of their children, was found dead last Wednesday afternoon by his neighbor, real estate broker Alice Laurente, in the kitchen of his house at 22 Guada Sanchez St., BF Resort Village, Talon II, Las Piñas City.

Laurente, 50, said she became concerned after noticing that she had not seen Velayo since their last meeting on Oct. 29.

Police said the body was already in a late stage of decomposition when found by Laurente, making them surmise that Velayo was killed more than seven days ago. Velayo was wearing only a pair of shorts.

Laurente told probers that in her last meeting, Velayo told her that he was selling his house and urged her to look for a buyer. – Rainier Allan Ronda

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