DFA reporters cry foul, hit ‘wish list’

The Diplomatic Press Corps will file a complaint against the spokesperson of the Department of Foreign Affairs for making it appear that reporters were demanding too many things for the press room which has caused the members embarrassment.

The press corps decided to bring their grievances against Ambassador George Reyes to Undersecretary for Administration Franklin Ebdalin as the members found the acts of the spokesperson unfair and uncalled for, an abuse of discretion and conduct unbecoming of a public official.

The case stemmed from a letter written by Reyes to DFA Secretary Domingo Siazon Jr. dated Oct. 4, listing the press corps’ "wish list" for the media room.

The letter was coursed through Siazon’s chief of staff Cherry Aguinaldo and received by the Office of the Secretary on Oct. 5. Reyes had never consulted the press corps regarding the matter.

The press corps, learned about it after accidentally finding a copy inserted in a newspaper inside the press room.

"The DFA Press Corps has conveyed to PISU (Public Information Services Unit) a list of office equipment and supplies needed in the press room located at the ground floor. These are: four to five secondhand personal computers with printers, fax machine, television set, video cassette recorder, portable cassette tape recorder with AM/FM radio, two microcassette recorders, lectern with microphone and sound system, world map and sofa," the letter read.

After Reyes made the press corps look demanding, he suggested in the letter that the reporters be given only two secondhand personal computers and printers, fax machine, television set and a sofa.

"The undersigned believes that this wish list should be trimmed down to the bare minimum. The Secretary may wish to consider measures aimed at securing aforecited equipment which need not be first-hand," Reyes wrote.

The press corps denied asking for such things, since the members had contributed their own money to buy a small television set.

The members also described as "unbelievable" Reyes’ request for tape recorders because they are personal necessities of reporters.

The Office of the Secretary confirmed receiving Reyes‘ letter but fortunately, almost at the same time as the press corps’ official request.

The press corps had asked only for a cable connection for their television set since the DFA already has the service, a fax machine and two personal computers for reporters without laptops who have been using old typewriters.

Siazon himself found the members‘ request reasonable and promised to attend to them since other government agencies also provide office equipment for beat reporters.

His chief of staff said it was good the members made the clarification since the other demands cited by Reyes would be hard to meet.

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