Thief caught in church

A member of the so-called "Salisi Gang" was caught yesterday stealing the handbag of a parishioner inside a church in Mandaluyong City.

The suspect, Mario Borja, a beautician and resident of Quiapo, Manila, was running out of the St. Francis of Assisi Church along St. Francis St., when arrested by parishioners who responded to the shouts for help of Marilyn Telan, 46.

Superintendent Jose Gentiles, Mandaluyong City police chief said Telan and her daughter attended Mass at the said church at 11 a.m. yesterday.

Telan of Garden Compound, knelt down to pray during the consecration of the Holy Eucharist and wine. She left her daughter and her handbag on the church pew.

The victim’s daughter did not notice Borja taking Telan’s handbag. But another parishioner, Fernando Mercado, saw the theft and immediately informed her.

Telan told Gentiles, Borja was dashing out of the church when she shouted for help. Borja did not resist arrest.– Non Alquitran

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