Atienza: No to abortifacient in Manila

"Don’t even think about it."

This was the stern warning of Manila Mayor Lito Atienza to Health Secretary Alberto Romualdez, who was quoted earlier as having said that the controversial RU-486, also known as Mifepristone, might not be considered as an abortifacient and could be allowed in the country if the manufacturer applied to bring it in.

The use of RU-486 has recently been legalized in the United States.

"I will personally lead the raid of any DOH warehouse in Manila and any importing company found maintaining stocks of this abortion pill, assuming they can even bring it out of the Port Area because I will use my powers as mayor to stop any shipment of this abortion pill from even being brought out of the piers," a visibly peeved Atienza said in a statement.

Atienza said that allowing the drug in the country would grossly violate the provisions of the Constitution, which explicitly proclaims a pro-life policy.

"The proposal of Secretary Romualdez to use this drug as a practical solution to pregnancies caused by rape or incest is a deliberate attempt to circumvent the constitutional provision prohibiting abortion," he added.

Atienza further warned that allowing the drug into the country, especially Manila, would send the wrong signal to the youth, expose them to more temptation and result in the further erosion of moral values.

The drug, which was developed and introduced in France 12 years ago purposely for abortion, induces the uterus to expel the embryo.

"I am also urging other local officials and members of Congress to join me in opposing the entry and eventual use of this abortion pill in the country. As public officials, it is our duty to defend the pro-life policy enshrined in the Constitution," Atienza said.

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