Organization to lead mangrove planting in Olango

CEBU, Philippines - Plan International, an international humanitarian child-centered community development organization in coordination with BE Resorts in Lapu-Lapu City will spearhead the simultaneous mangrove planting and kayaking for girls rights at Olango Island on October 20.

In yesterday’s press conference, John Diviva, program coordinator of Plan International, said these one day activity is part of the program called “ BE the Spark, I am a girl mangrove planting for girl rights.”

Aside from the mangrove planting, Diviva said it will also be followed by the “Read-Along Session” about the importance of the Disaster Reduction for children at the BE Resorts in Mactan.

According to Diviva, these events will gather women and girls to discuss coastal resource management and the role of mangroves against natural hazards, such as strong winds and typhoons.

“At the end of the day, participants are expected to be the spark for gender equality among children and for coastal resource management. We need to appreciate that boys and girls benefit from a world that is both gender equal and disaster resilient,” said Jay Baylon, BE Resorts Marketing Officer.

For his part, Garry Garcia, general manager of BE Resort, said that the resorts fully support of the activity initiated by Plan International because is not only to protect the environment but also help in protecting the rights of girls.

The marine sanctuary in Olango Island Lapu-Lapu City attracts tourists, with Koreans comprising the largest ethnic group.  (FREEMAN)

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