Mandaue to use political will

CEBU, Philippines - The Mandaue City government yesterday reiterated its move to demolish all shanties built on the riverbanks of the Butuanon River.Mandaue City legal officer Giovanni Tianero said the city has given illegal settlers ample time to peacefully leave the area before something unfortunate befalls them.

The government may use its political will if the settlers continue to defy the order, Tianero said.

He said climate change is the reason why the city government is exerting all efforts to clean the river.

Flooding in the area is inevitable during the rainy season due to garbage that block the waterways, and ignoring the situation where the illegal settlers are in at present is tantamount to placing their lives at stake.

He said the city government has already prepared a relocation site for them  but until now prefer to stay at the danger site.

The relocation site is located in barangay Pacnaan with a total land area of 6.5 hectares.

Some  residents in the Butuanon riverbanks are hesitant to transfer because they say they can not afford to pay the suggested price set by the government.  

The city anti-squatting team is waiting for the go-signal from Mayor Jonas Cortes to move in and evict the more or less 100 families who are still living in the danger zone.

The mayor wants the settlers to voluntarily demolish their houses and eventually leave peacefully. (FREEMAN)

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