Man attacks daughter's live-in partner

CEBU, Philippines - While the rest of the world commemorated the sufferings of Jesus last Friday, a 69-year-old man allegedly hacked his daughter’s live-in partner at 3 p.m. Friday in sitio Limpungan, barangay Ilaya, San Fernando town.

The police identified the suspect as Feliciano Pardillo, a resident of the place, and father of Florenciana, the victim’s common-law wife.

PO1 Cleofas Cabrera said, prior to the incident Feliciano came to the house of Romeo Cabucayan, of legal age, and was heard saying: “Di mo manglayas kay pamatyon ta mo!”

Allegedly, Feliciano did not like his daughter living with Cabucayan.

Minutes after the threat, Feliciano reportedly hacked Cabucayan thrice with a bolo in the different parts of his body.

Cabrera said Cabucayan is recuperating at the hospital, while Feliciano was turned over to the police by barangay Ilaya Councilman Resito Delima, to whom he surrendered. – (FREEMAN)

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