Anti-plastic bag law to be tested at Lagtang market

CEBU, Philippines - Talisay City Councilor Bernard Odilao wants the Anti-Plastic Bag Ordinance implemented first at the Lagtang Public Market.

“Mas sayon kung magsugod sa Lagtang Public Market kay sa syudad ma ni,” said Odilao, in an interview, adding that the vendors there can start using paper bags.

Odilao, who is chairman on council committee on environment, said he has already offered the idea to city administrator Richel Bacaltos who assured him he’d meet the vendors to discuss the matter.

The third-term councilor said the ordinance was supposed to be implemented right after it was approved.

In February last year, the city council approved the new law which bans the use of plastic bags in all of the city’s commercial shops.

The purpose, according to Councilor Rodi Cabigas, author of the law, is to minimize the volume of the city’s waste.

Cabigas advised the use of “green bags” instead of the ecologically-unfriendly plastic bags. (FREEMAN)

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