Resettlement project in Mandaue impresses World Bank officials

CEBU, Philippines - The success of the resettlement project in barangay Canduman in Mandaue City has impressed the seven-man team from the World Bank.

Motoo Konishi, World Bank funding director, during a briefing yesterday with Mayor Jonas Cortes, city officials, and representatives of the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (RAFI), said the Japanese government through the World Bank financed the project.

RAFI, a non-government organization is the implementing agency of the UPSURGE (Urban Partnerships for Sustainable Upliftment, Renewal, Governance and Empowerment) project.

Konishi emphasized the need to sustain and replicate this success.

The project, which was started in July, 2007 and completed in October 4, 2010, was alloted P5.6 million for the following: 195 meter wide concrete road, 440 meter wide concrete alleys, 707 meter covered drainage lines, a satellite market of 20 units/stalls, and a livelihood center and office for the Kobe-Canduman Homeowners Association.

The project has benefited 314 families-relocatees from different areas in the city wherein the city government also gave P6 million for additional infrastructure projects.

Under this project, the Mandaue City Community Renewal Implementation Committee (MC CRIC) was formed and institutionalized.

It acts as an executive committee of the Mandaue City Board on Socialized Housing.

"I see happy smiling faces of people. They will lead their own lives and run their own community even after the bank leaves," Nobumitsu Hayashi, Japanese executive director, told reporters.

Mayor Cortes for his part attributed the success of the project to the strong Public-Private Partnership Program.

The mayor also said he hopes the project will serve as a showcase to other local government units and inspire them to help informal settlers.

Cortes said his administration will also provide decent homes to government workers in the city who until now do not own houses. (FREEMAN)  

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