Two men accused of raping daughters

CEBU, Philippines - Last week, two men in Mandaue City were accused of having raped their daughters.

PO1 Pearl Anne Flores of the Basak Police station said the latest case involves a 17-year-old who claims her father, who is a carpenter, has been raping her since she was thirteen years old. It was reported to the police only last week after her youngest sibling saw their father fondling her.

Flores said for a year the father was contented with molesting the daughter but the raping started in November 2008.

Last September, the sibling saw their father touching her sister's private parts while he was masturbating. The incident was kept from the mother who has been suffering from a nervous breakdown for the past four years now.

Then came the time when she told her aunt about her ordeal.

She now stays with her aunt and charges are being prepared against the man.

Another man is being accused by his 13-year-old daughter of raping her several times in the past.

The girl left her home last October 22 and moved to her aunt's house in sitio Orel in barangay Banilad, Mandaue City.

Why did she leave home, her aunt wanted to know.

In the vernacular, she said, "Di na ko mouli didto kay naay manyakis."

The aunt took her to the police.

It was learned the girl's mother works as a garbage collector in the morning and doubles as a laundry woman at night to augment the family's income.

The man ekes out a living as a factory worker and brings home P100 daily.

The girl alleged she had been raped several times by her father since she was 12.

She claimed her father timed the raping when her mother was out or sound asleep.

Charges have been filed against the man. (FREEMAN)

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