Talisay assures peaceful transfer of vendors to new public market

CEBU, Philippines - The Talisay City government has reassured the public that it will exercise maximum tolerance when vendors transfer from the Tabunok Public Market to the new market in barangay Lagtang.

But the city is also prepared for any "eventuality" in relation to the scheduled padlocking of the old market considering several vendors are still opposed to the transfer.

"In any eventuality naa nay plano ang police, pero mao gyud na akong instruction, nga gikan sa mayor, nga maximum tolerance gyud. If dili necessary nga atong aswaton ang vendors, dili nato hilabtan. Ato lang pahimangnuan nga sirad-an na ang karaang merkado," said Vice Mayor

Alan Bucao, who chairs the council committee on Peace and Order and Public Safety.

Bucao said he has heard of a protest during the transfer but "as long as the city's peace and order will not be breeched" maximum tolerance will remain.

The vice mayor said that as of the moment he does not see the need to augment the forces of the police, which are assigned to keep the peace and order in the area, until Supt. Eddie Recamara, acting city police chief, will say so.

"Kung naay augmentations depende na na sa evaluation and assessment ni Col. Recamara. If he says it is neccesary nga mag-additional, the city will support it. But last recourse na na kay ang atong hangyo, dili lang gyud mogamit og pwersa unless nay breech of peace," Bucao said.

Today is the last day of the vendors in Tabunok, as by early morning tomorrow the city shall be fencing the old public market.

Meanwhile, Bucao said that as of yesterday, several vendors especially in the dry goods section have already prepared their respective stalls in the Lagtang public market for tomorrow's opening.

"So it's not true nga way kisaw, kay gitagaan pa man sila from Aug 23-28 to transfer their things. Taas taas na na nga panahon for the Aug. 29 closure of the Tabunok Public Market," he said.

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