Talisay Market vendors dare city officials to undergo lifestyle check

CEBU, Philippines - Irked by allegations that they will not live in poverty even after their transfer to the Lagtang market, the Tabunok Public Market vendors are now challenging the city officials to undergo a lifestyle check.

"O, tinuod nga naa mi'y SUV, pero hinaguan na namo. Kana sila, nidatu ra man na tungod sa pangurakot! Amo ng silang hagiton nga magpa-lifestyle check!" said a meat section vendor who refused to be named.

According to the vendor, if they drive expensive cars and live in huge houses, it is because of the hard labor they put up everyday in the market.

"Kadlawon pa mangmata nami para maninda. Unya kana sila, maglingkod lingkod lang diha sa city hall, pero karon, pwerte ng kadaghan og mga bay, mahibong nalang ta asa na gikan," she said.

Which officials should undergo a lifestyle check?

The vendors said, "Silang tanan diha sa city hall."

Other vendors in all sections of the old market agreed.

This reaction came after a city hall official, who asked not to be identified, rebuked the vendors' contention that they would become destitute if the city government pushed through with their transfer to the new market building in barangay Lagtang.

The city official does not believe that the vendors would become poor since most of them drive sports utility vehicles and living in subdivisions.

The source also believes that the new market will bring in the same costumers to these vendors since the city hall has already devised ways to address the concern on its inaccessibility to the buying public by putting up a tricycle terminal near the area. (FREEMAN)

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