Bucao prohibits insertions into SP session's agenda

CEBU, Philippines - Following the negative reaction of the minority about it, Vice Mayor Alan Bucao now prohibits insertions of proposed measures or amendments to ordinances into the council's agenda.

"I have already told the office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod secretary not to accept anymore insertions or amendments into the order of business, except for urgent ones certified by the mayor," said Bucao.

Bucao's order came after minority councilors Romeo Villarante, Danny Caballero and Val Ylanan questioned last week the administration's propensity to insert unscheduled measures.

They said the act violates a house rule which states that all resolutions and ordinances to be discussed in the coming session should be submitted to the Sangguning Panlungsod secretary on or before 12 p.m. of Friday.

The minority councilors contended they study the proposed measures before the sessions start.

In the last session, four proposed resolutions and one amended ordinance, all authored by councilors from the majority bloc, were filed on the day of the session. The five proposals were approved.

Bucao, for his part, however, denied there was violation in that setup, as prior to the filing of the measures, the council, in a caucus, "agreed" that they should be submitted.

The council, with both the majority and minority councilors present, holds a regular caucus before the session starts.

And if there was a violation, Bucao said everyone in the council was guilty of it as it was a "collegial agreement" that was made.

But to erase all doubts, Bucao said it was best to follow the deadline of the filing of the proposals to be calendared for the coming regular session.

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