Paz reminds police about internet café ordinance

CEBU, Philippines- Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Paz Radaza has told the police she doesn't want to hear again students skipping classes to spend time in internet cafés to play online games.

When classes start next month, she wants the police to strictly enforce the ordinance that regulates the operation of internet cafés.

When Mayor Radaza assumed office last July1, she immediately warned cafés found violating the ordinance.

Under Ordinance No. 363-2006, no internet café operator shall allow admission or entry into its premises or the use of its facilities by any student/pupil during school days from 7:30 am. to 4:30 P.M. unless the student/pupil is accompanied by parents or guardians.

Any violation of the provision shall be a ground for the imposition of the following penalty:

For first offense, a 3 month suspension of business license; for second offense - 6-month suspension of business license, and for the third offense, revocation of business license and closure of the establishment.

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