Tabunok market vendors show off black arm bands

CEBU, Philippines - Vendors at the Tabunok Public Market yesterday wore black arm bands to protest their May 28 transfer to the new public market-cum-terminal in barangay Lagtang, a village which lies adjacent to Tabunok.

Mayor Socrates Fernandez last week issued a notice of the transfer and from May 28, giving the vendors 30 days to vacate the old public market building before the city will close it.

But the more than 900 vendors pooh-poohed the mayor's order.

They will carry out several protest rallies starting today to show their opposition to the transfer.

Mylene Labalan, one of the meat vendors, said all vendors have agreed to boycott the raffling of stalls which has been scheduled within this week.

The city will raffle off the stalls of the Lagtang market for fairness, as it was found out that in Tabunok Public Market, there are vendors who own more than one stall.

They said no vendor would be present when the raffling of stalls is conducted since they have no plans to use the new market, the vendors said yesterday.

"Di mi mangadto kay wa nay mamalit namo didto," said Labalan.

One of the concerns the vendors have is the inaccessibility of the Lagtang market to the buying public.

Merla Roble, a resident of Minglanilla town, said Lagtang, although it is next to Tabunok, is already far from her.

"Kung masira ni diri (Tabunok), adto na lang ko mangumpra sa Minglanilla. Layo na kaayo ang Lagtang para nako," Roble said.

The Tabunok Public Market does not only cater to the people of Talisay, but also to people in neighboring areas such as Minglanilla and Cebu City.

Even some of the city residents living outside Lagtang said the new market would mean additional burden to them.

Apart from its location, they will have to pay double for their tricycle ride.

"Aw kung mao na, adto na lang ko mopalit og isda sa among eskina, wa pay kas plite," Elsa, a resident of barangay Dumlog, said.

There are already several small markets in some villages of Talisay such as in Dumlog, Poblacion, Cansojong, San Roque, and Tanke.

The more than 900 vendors will troop to the city hall today to ask city officials to listen to them once again. (FREEMAN)

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