City dad laments council's inaction on his proposal

CEBU, Philippines - A Talisay City minority councilor has lamented the city council's lack of support for his proposal supporting President Aquino's order banning the cutting of timberland.

"Wa ko kabaw unsay rason nganong wa nila gipasar nga ang atong tumong ug tuyo kaayohan ra man na. Wa man nay conflict sa ilang resolution," said Minority Councilor Danny Caballero.

Caballero, who is vice chairman on council committee on Agriculture and Aquatic Resources of Councilor, in last Tuesday's session filed his Proposed Resolution No. 2011-06-7 "strongly supporting" Aquino's Executive Order No. 23 which declares a moratorium on the cutting and harvesting of timber in the natural and residual forest and creating the anti-illegal logging task force as its implementing arm.

But citing that it is in conflict with an existing ordinance, the council has referred Caballero's proposal to the Committees on Environment and Laws.

Caballero, however, insisted that there is nothing wrong if they would support the president's call especially that the city is among those badly affected by flood during heavy rains.

"Ang atong purpose ra gyud ani mahunong ang pagpamutol og kahoy kay bisag ginagmay ra ng nahitabo sa atong kabukiran kanang himuon og uling, kung kanunay ng nahitabo, daghan na kaayong kahoy ang nadisgrasya ana. Unya, prone baya ta’s landslide diri, so di ta maghuwat nga naay mahitabong grabeng kalamidad una pa mobuhat og aksyon," he said.

Quoting Executive Order No. 23, signed by Aquino on February 01, 2011, Caballero said that it seeks " to protect the remaining forest cover areas of the country not only to prevent flash floods and hazardous flooding but also to preserve biodiversity, protect threatened habitats and sanctuaries of endangered and rare species, and allow natural regeneration of residual forests and development of plantation forests."

The moratorium on the cutting and harvesting of timber in the natural and residual forests of the entire country is now in effect all over the country.

"Environmental concerns as of this time are of paramount importance and needs the pro-active and prompt response of the government to address the same thus, the absence of merits to reconsider the appeal of wood producers and loggers to implement only a selective logging ban," read Caballero's proposal.

Caballero is among the three Talisay City opposition councilors who do not have a committee chairmanship.

And under the city council's House Rules, a councilor can only author or propose a measure or law, if he/she is a committee chairman. (FREEMAN)

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