10th CHARTER ANNIVERSARY: Talisay City honors top 10 business taxpayers

CEBU, Philippines - As part of the celebration of its 10th Charter Day anniversary, Talisay City will recognize tonight the private companies that have been most diligent in paying taxes to the city.

The city's charter day is tomorrow, January 12.

City Public Information Office named the Cebu Southland Commercial Complez, Visayan Electric Company, Ricor Mills Corporation, Dynasty Management Development Corp., Shurline Corp., Freemont Foods Corp./Jollibee, Rose Pharmacy, Geo Transport & Construction Inc., Avon Cosmetics Inc. and Mercury Drug Corp. as the top 10 taxpayers in 2010.

A big chunk of the city's more than P100 million annual revenues come from business taxes.

City administrator Richel Bacaltos said this is the second year that the city has recognized its top taxpayers. This year however, they are picking 10 in view of its 10th charter day anniversary. The awarding will be held at the City Hall grounds during a testimonial dinner.

Tonight, a multimedia presentation will showcase the city's 10 major achievements in education, social services, infrastructure, peace and order, youth development, local shelter program, among others, since it was granted a charter in 2001.

Talisay became a city through Republic Act 8979, which was authored by First District Representative Eduardo Gullas who is also expected to grace the event tonight.

Tomorrow, a Holy Mass will be celebrated at the Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish in Barangay Poblacion. A feeding activity for malnourished children will be held simultaneously in select barangays.

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