It’s a manga world

Draw it out: Manga Hokusai Manga features an exhibit along with events and workshops.

MANILA, Philippines - We’ve all probably had that phase in grade school where we were obsessed with anime, which, if the feeling didn’t fade away over time, probably evolved into a love for manga. Well, if you’re part of the latter group, you’re in luck. The Japan Foundation Manila and the Ateneo Art Gallery, in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines, presents “Manga Hokusai Manga: Approaching the Master’s Compendium from the Perspective of Contemporary Comics.”

The exhibition, which runs until July 28 at the Ateneo Art Gallery, explores the similarities between modern Japanese manga and artist Hokusai’s manga. To accompany the exhibition are a number of events, the first of which is “Exhibiting Manga: Intentions, Difficulties and Potentials” on June 30; followed by a screening of In This Corner of the World on July 1; a “Basic Manga Creative Process Workshop” on July 15, and a lecture on “Manga and the ‘Manga-esque’” on July 20.

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Admission to the exhibition and event is free, but seats for the lectures and workshops are limited. For reservations, email For more information about the exhibit and events, visit The Japan Foundation at

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