The case of the common geek

MANILA, Philippines - Let’s face it. Geeks must be pretty pissed, and they have every right to be. Their whole identity, which had been largely ridiculed throughout most of history, has now gone mainstream. Comic book readers and video game players suffered through high school only to find that the very hobbies and interests that got them bullied during recess have now crossed over and entered into the social consciousness as ratings winners and box office money-makers. What was once regarded as meaningless pursuits of pleasure have evolved into opiates for the masses. People eat the stuff up like French fries only to regurgitate wads of cash that get recycled for the production of sequels and spinoffs. Who and what are to blame for this phenomenon?  The following is a list of nine people (or groups of people) that I believe have promulgated the rise of geek culture.


Joss Whedon

Before the overwhelming success of The Avengers, Joss Whedon was regarded in entertainment circles as a man of imagination. With Buffy The Vampire Slayer, he depicted inter-specie love between human and vampire way before the majority of rabid Twilight fans were even in high school. Some would argue he made the X-Men relevant again as lead writer for the Marvel Comic series The Astonishing X-Men. Rightly so, since it was his imagination that effectively brought Earth’s Mightiest Heroes together on the big screen.



The Creators of Plants vs Zombies

It used to be that zombies in media only existed in Resident Evil Playstation 1 video games. Now they serve as the backdrop for The Walking Dead, one of the most satisfying shows on US television. Now they are one of the most popular costume choices during Halloween. And this is largely due, I believe, to this little iPod Game App that could.



Dan Harmon

Similar to Game of Thrones, Dan Harmon’s Community appeals to a wide spectrum of viewer demographics with its fast-paced witty banter and pop-culture references. It stays true to its geeky sensibilities though, as seen in Troy and Abed’s exploits and in creatively crafted episodes that incorporate pillow wars, 8bit video game graphics and stop-motion technology. This fan can only hope that the departure of Dan Harmon from the show doesn’t mean the departure of the show’s uniqueness.



Seth Cohen

Seth Cohen was a geek for all seasons.  As the comic-collecting conscience of the brooding rebel Ryan Atwood, he showed the human side of the geek and boosted the social standing of his fellow constituents’ name in the female psyche. At the height of The OC’s popularity, college halls were filled with skinny and feeling-skinny guys in too-tight band shirts sharing iPod sneakers and name-dropping obscure bands. And the amazing thing was that girls were actually paying attention.



Christopher Nolan

The good news is that Christopher Nolan made Batman super cool. The bad news is that suddenly everyone now has a PhD in Batman mythology from Wikipedia university. From the right choice of actors to the storyline’s depth, he masterfully crafted a series that will long be regarded as the highest standard for superhero movies — hell, movies in general. 


Creators of the Call of Duty series


People who you wouldn’t normally see mixing at a party come together online for multiplayer combat of this critically-acclaimed video game that has set sales records in the entertainment industry. With its pretty graphics and engaging gameplay, it has caused many men to withdraw from society for significant amounts of time. Girlfriends around the world — prepare to lose your boyfriends upon the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.



Michael Cera

Arrested Development cemented Michael Cera’s reputation as a comedian. Every other movie he did established him as a mumbling and socially awkward adolescent. But aside from that, another thing his movie characters have in common is that they usually got the girl in the end. Similar to Seth Cohen, Michael Cera made the geek a viable dating choice — and ultimately more lovable


HBO executives and George RR Martin

“They would never cancel Game of Thrones! It’s a crossover hit!” exclaimed Adam Scott’s geeky character in one episode of Parks and Recreation. No one could have said it better — who would have thought that a TV show about kings and dragons would become one of the most widely watched series in HBO’s history? The allure of the characters and the clever storytelling make for irresistibly entertaining television. The only thing that sucks about being a Game of Thrones fan? THE WAIT FOR SEASON 3.


Olivia Munn

As one of the hosts on Attack of the Show, Olivia Munn evolved from a geek’s wet dream to a trusted source of geek knowledge. When objectively one of the hottest women on the planet starts talking about video games, movies and comic books, warm-blooded males sit up and listen. One Slave Leia Costume, a few skimpy photo shoots and one Aaron Sorkin-produced TV show later, Olivia Munn’s popularity has reached new heights. The only thing better than Olivia Munn is MORE Olivia Munn.


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