You know what they say about redheads

Redhead Model Search 2012 winners Sirene Sutton, Nina Villanueva and Kimberly Joy Tolentino.

MANILA, Philippines - The models are in. Redhead, part of SM Department Store Girl’s Teens wear, has just concluded its third year of searching for fresh faces for the brand. Out of thousands of contestants, three lucky girls have now emerged victorious in this year’s Redhead Model Search 2012. 

Finalists received a mini makeover from Maybelline and underwent a series of lessons to learn how to pose and work the runway. After taking on challenges presented by the Masters School for Models, Sirene Stutton, 18, Kimberly Joy Tolentino, 15, and Nina Villanueva, 21, took home three modeling contracts with Redhead for excelling in their respective challenges and attracting the public’s vote.

The girls will receive a one-year modeling contract from Elite models, cash prizes and a Redhead clothing allowance.

“Being a Redhead girl, you can literally stay young forever,” winner Nina Villanueva said. “It puts a whole new twist on being forever 21 because the clothes are so young, colorful and fresh.”

Redhead Model Search 2012 winners Sirene Sutton, Nina Villanueva and Kimberly Joy Tolentino.

Last Oct. 4, Sirene, Kimberly, and Nina officially signed on with the brand and were formally introduced to the public as the new faces of Redhead.


Redhead is exclusively available at all Girls Teens’ Wear Department at SM Department Stores nationwide. For more details, log onto or like their fan page

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